Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Filipino Approach

Here are more quotes from the book, Advertising in the Philippines: Its Historical, Cultural and Social Dimensions by Visitacion R. de la Torre, which may apply to our exploration on Filipino Design.

“Advertising has no nationality

As a marketing discipline, advertising it should be noted, assumes no nationality, geography, race or creed. It is the product, service, person or institution being advertised that is subjected to such characterization. Thus there is no thing as American advertising, French advertising, Japanese advertising or Filipino advertising, save perhaps, on the onset, in look and language.

The Filipino Approach

A Filipino ad? Is there such a thing? Frankie Lacambra, a creative man who now heads Link Advertising, Inc. holds, “A good ad has no nationality because a good idea is universal-simple, powerful, timeless and it belongs to the world. But a Filipino look is always welcome… Employing a Filipino approach means using a concept and theme that is Filipino and articulated the way a Filipino would… A Filipino concept or theme revolves on core or basic Filipino values, ideals, customs, traditions, even idiosyncracies and set in a Filipino environment.”


Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding you have any recommended sources for Royalty Free stock photography of Filipino ethnicity?

I'm a small advertiser in a market with a dense Filipino segment, and I've purchased space in a Filipino community paper. I'd like to tailor our ad imagery - which tends to the "shiny happy people" approach.

Any help would be appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Great site!! It's nice to know there's someone else promoting Filipino design talents. It might interest you to know there's a collection of some of the Philippines best websites at :)

Anonymous said...

May I have Frankie Lacambra's contact number? He is a very good advertising guy. Thanks. Ken Smith